Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An Open Letter to My PeoriaSpeaks Friends

I miss all of you. Every single one of you.

We all came together as misfits from another forum. We all have way more in common that not.

Some of us have had personal conflicts with each other. Hurt feelings, snubs, misunderstandings and betrayals.

I'm having a hard time looking at my summer without you all.

We ventured out on our own because we felt rejected, misunderstood and disgusted by other stuff we saw and experienced. I miss intellectual conversation with you all. I miss being able to have intellectual and important conversations with those who agree with me. I especially miss those conversations with those who don't agree with me. More importantly, I miss the dialogs we used to have when we didn't agree in principle but we were able to maintain respect for the other's position simply because we genuinely cared for, respected and liked one another.

We, collectively, took online relationships to a higher level. I think we developed a 'real life' community from a whole lotta online interactions; and our real life community worked way better than the online one.

We have several members of our rag-tag bunch who are embarking on major life changes. Marriage. Public Office. Childbirth.

I miss my PeoriaSpeaks family.


Anonymous said...

Miss you too. **Agrees, without being disagreeable**

JennyWo said...

"We have several members of our rag-tag bunch who are embarking on major life changes. Marriage. Public Office. Childbirth."

Childbirth?? Now who the hell had a kid in our bunch and didn't tell me?!?!

In all serious, that letter was very sweet. I think this group is awesome. Perhaps we should try monthly get-togethers again..a brunch here, picnic there...a cookout at Casa de Rix?? ;O)

Anonymous said...

A really great, eclectic group of individuals.
Ramble (still can't remember the damn password!)

Brad Carter said...

I miss being juvenile during your intellectual sonversations!

Anonymous said...

Why did they take it down ?

Anonymous said...

Lots of effort & time to maintain and Facebook started being a "big" thing. ~Ramble~

Rixblix said...

There was no "they" who took "it" down. We're still here.