Thursday, November 27, 2008

I copied too!

Things I've Done

1. Started your own blog - You're lookin' at it.

2. Slept under the stars - several times

3. Played in a band - if high school concert, marching, jazz and pep band count.

4. Visited Hawaii - no...not much interest in it either, although I wouldn't turn down a free trip.

5. Watched a meteor shower - yes

6. Given more than you can afford to charity - I've given my time to the Hemophilia community, but never had enough $$ to spare.

7. Been to Disneyland - a few times

8. Climbed a mountain - of paperwork

9. Held a praying mantis - not till we moved back to Illinois where it's a little warmer.

10. Sang a solo - not on purpose

11. Bungee jumped - no

12. Visited Paris - no

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea - I watch Deadliest Catch sometimes...does that count?

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch - yes, I taught myself how to knit

15. Adopted a child - Not yet...Mr. Rix says we have to wait till the boys are grown. We've adopted several animals, though, and they're like our children.

16. Had food poisoning - no

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty - No, but we took the ferry to see it.

18. Grown your own vegetables - yes, I've had many, many gardens

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France - no

20. Slept on an overnight train - no, I've slept on a train, but it wasn't overnight.

21. Had a pillow fight - Yes...just like she said, that's what chicks do when we hang out.

22. Hitch hiked - no!

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill - Yes...but not while at my current job!

24. Built a snow fort - Many; I love the way it sounds inside a snow fort...all muffled and still.

25. Held a lamb - no...unless a lamp chop counts.

26. Gone skinny dipping - Yes

27. Run a Marathon - My husband says I run them in my sleep.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice - Nope. But when we first moved here, our Realtor told us we had to check out the Gondolas at Avanti's. So we went to eat and I looked all over for boats in the place. I didn't know it was a freakin' sub sandwich.

29. Seen a total eclipse - Yes in 6th grade through one of those pinhole box things

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset - yes

31. Hit a home run - Oh yes! I was All-Conference and Captain of my High School softball team!

32. Been on a cruise - No...too many people. I hate people.

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person - No

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors - If Beecher City, IL and Shelbyville, IL count, then yes.

35. Seen an Amish community - Yes

36. Taught yourself a new language - yes, sign language...took 2 more semesters of it in College (my degree is Deaf Education)

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - I think we're there right now...I'm learning to be satisfied with what I have...not what I don't have. Bills are paid, food in the fridge, roof over head...all good.

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person - no

39. Gone rock climbing - no

40. Seen Michelangelo's David - No...but Mr. Rix is pretty close!

41. Sung karaoke - yes...not very well.

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - No

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant - Not officially, but I do this when I travel.

44. Visited Africa - no

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight - yes...both oceans, and several lakes

46. Been transported in an ambulance - yes...that is totally a story is for another blog.

47. Had your portrait painted - No, unless my kids' renditions count.

48. Gone deep sea fishing - no

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person - no

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris - no

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling - in my friend's pond

52. Kissed in the rain - yes

53. Played in the mud - yes

54. Gone to a drive-in theater - oh yes! As a kid and as an adult.

55. Been in a movie - Not anything I'd want anyone to see.

56. Visited the Great Wall of China - no

57. Started a business - no

58. Studied a martial art - no

59. Visited Russia - no

60. Served at a soup kitchen - no

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies - a couple times.

62. Gone whale watching - no...wait, does hitting the local pool count? Or looking at myself in the mirror?

63. Got flowers for no reason - a couple times...but I don't like receiving cut flowers. They die.

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma - Not for about 12 years...they don't want mine, it's missing some Factor 9.

65. Gone sky diving - no

66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp - no

67. Bounced a check - once or twice

68. Flown in a helicopter - no

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy - yes...Snoopy's on my bookshelf right now.

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial - Yes

71. Eaten caviar -

72. Pieced a quilt - Yes, I made Mr. Rix a quilt from all his 90's grunge-era flannels and backed it with the flannel sheet that was on his bed when we met.

73. Stood in Times Square - Yes

74. Toured the Everglades - no

75. Been fired from a job - No, but I told one boss to get fucked and walked out.

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London - no

77. Broken a bone - my arm and a finger...the finger's still crooked

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle - Yes...I love it! Mr. Rix is going to get a Harely in the next couple years and we're looking forward to touring when the boys are grown.

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person - Yes

80. Published a book - No, but my 'anecdotes' have appeared in a published book.

81. Visited the Vatican - no

82. Bought a brand new car - 1990 Plymouth Laser...bit mistake, I'll never buy a brand new car again.

83. Walked in Jerusalem - no

84. Had your picture in the newspaper - Yes, a couple times.

85. Read the entire Bible - no

86. Visited the White House - Yes

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - no

88. Had chickenpox - Yes - in high school!

89. Saved someone’s life -

90. Sat on a jury - no, but I was called for Jury Duty twice.

91. Met someone famous - Vince Neil, David Hasselhoff....that's all I can remember now.

92. Joined a book club - just recently...and I have the book for our next meeting, too!

93. Lost a loved one - yes

94. Had a baby - two

95. Seen the Alamo in person - no

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake - no, I've seen it though.

97. Been involved in a law suit - no

98. Owned a cell phone - yes.

99. Been stung by a bee - once

100. Read an entire book in one day - Oh yes...not for a while, but I love doing that. Especially on a cold rainy day.


Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

Your list was great, I am soo nosey so I loved I wanna join a book club! Then I can tell the kids to leave me alone to do some homework!! : )

Rixblix said...

I'm nosy, too, Sarah...and I get a kick out of learning new things about my friends!

Unknown said...

Love the list! Can't remember last time I read a whole book in one day - it's a great feeling though! Also, of course, love that you've studied sign language!

Sara Bingham, WeeHands Founder
author of The Baby Signing Book

Mama T said...

He he...we are so the biggest copy cats EVER. LOL

I had fun though...surveys are the shizzle!
