Friday, October 26, 2007


Baby Chicks. #2's class is doing their unit on hatching eggs. I remember just loving this when I was his age. I tried to talk my mom into letting me bring one of the babies home. She didn't think it would go over big with the neighbors.

He's enthralled with the process. They "candled" the eggs this week so they could see if they'd grown and changed.

That love of learning and excitement about new ideas and concepts is so awesome. I'm so glad that our home is like that, too. The boys always have new things to share and questions to ask. I remember my mom saying "You ask TOO MANY questions." I just can't imagine telling my kids that. We spend so much time looking stuff up on the internet, I don't know what we'd do with out it.

On the other hand, there's really nothing more frustrating to me than a mind that's closed. There's just no reason in this day of instant information for people to me uninformed.

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